Saturday, Jan 25
AstroPi3 Part 04 - AstroPI3 Installation

AstroPi3 Part 04 - AstroPI3 Installation

AstroPi3 Part 01 - Raspberry Pi 3 as guiding computer
AstroPi3 Part 02 - Creation of the Installation disk image
AstroPi3 Part 03 - Ubuntu Mate Installation
AstroPi3 Part 04 - AstroPI3 Installation
AstroPi3 Part 05 - PhD2 Configuration
AstroPi3 Part 6 - DSLR/Guide Camera Setup and Control
AstroPi3 Part 07 – Controlling the Raspberry from a tablet/phone
AstroPi3 Apendix A – Index of possible problems, causes and solutions

What is AstroPi3?

It is an installation script, not a program itself, i.e. it is a file containing the necessary instructions to install other programs. In this case, this script will save us the task of installing necessary applications for astrophotography such as KStarts, Ekos, PhD, etc. With them we will be able to guide and control the raspberry with our cell phone or a tablet.

The main page of the project can be found here:

Running AstroPi3

1. From your new Ubuntu installation on the Raspberry, open a new terminal by clicking on the menu Applications->System Tools -> Mate Terminal

2. Type the following line right there and press "enter"

sudo apt-get install git

It will ask you for your password, which is the same one you wrote down on the Ubuntu Mate installation screen.

3. A warning such as "After this operation, 17.8 MB of additional ... " will be shown.
Press the Y key to continue.

4. When finished, in the same terminal type the following line and press enter

git clone

5. Type the following line and press enter

cd AstroPi3

6. We'll assign execution permits. Type the next line and press enter.

chmod +x

7. Now we will start the execution of AstroPi3, by typing the next line and pressing enter:

sudo ./

8. Then the script will ask "Are you ready to proceed (Y/N)".
Press the Y to continue.

9. If it asks ''Do you want to set Firefox to a known working version ... Press the Y key to continue.

10. The installation process will begin and you will see the programs download and take approximately 25-40 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

I recommend that you stay aware of what is happening in case it stops to ask questions regarding any action, for example:

  • Configuration file '/etc/gnome/defaults.list' => Modified (by you or by script) since installation....
    --> Press N key and then enter.
  • Do you want to give your pi a static ip address so that you can connect to it in the observing field with no router or wifi and just an ethernet cable (y/n) ?
    --> Press N key and then enter.
  • New SMB Password:
    --> Type a new password then press enter.
  • Retype new SMB password:
    --> Retype the password you just wrote and press enter.

11. When you get this message the installation process will be completed.

12. Resetting the raspberry in order for certain changes take effect:
a) Click on the shutdown icon in the upper right corner.

b) In the window that appears immediately click on "restart".


Next article: AstroPi3 Part 05 - PhD2 Configuration


n o m a d i c - a s t r o p h o g r a p h y